
          It's far more important to know what person has the disease than what disease the person has...–Hippocrates


We treat a broad range of musculoskeletal conditions and always encourage a holistic approach to health and healing. This means looking at the whole person and not simply a diagnosis that was given to him/her. The primary reasons people seekback-pain out our care are for pain management, injury prevention, and performance enhancement. This covers the spectrum from sport-related injuries of high level athletes to degenerative conditions associated with the aging population. The list of conditions on the left is by no means an exhaustive list as we attempted to categorize the types of conditions that patients typically present with as opposed to focus on specific conditions. For example, the category “Sport/Athletic Injuries” encompasses IT Band Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, rotator cuff pathologies, back and neck pain and many other muscle and joint repetitive stress syndromes. For questions about our experience working with a specific injury or ailment, please feel free to contact our office.